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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Madera, CA

Easy and Gentle Third Molar Removal

The doctors at Fresno Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implant Center offer wisdom teeth removals in Madera, CA. Wisdom teeth usually erupt in the mouth around the ages of 17 and 25, but they can develop earlier or later. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are commonly removed because many people simply do not have enough room in their mouth to accommodate an entire extra set of molars. When there is not enough room in the mouth and the wisdom teeth start to come in, complications such as impaction, dental crowding, shifting of teeth, and pain can occur. If your wisdom teeth need to be extracted, you may be referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, who specializes in the procedure.

Routine dental exams well before wisdom teeth have fully developed are a recommended part of your dental care plan. This will help determine whether your wisdom teeth need to be removed and prevent future complications. If you are referred to our office, 3D scans will be taken during the exam for your oral surgeon to determine a treatment plan based on your specific needs.

Why Dental Professionals Recommend Wisdom Teeth Removal

Most people have four wisdom teeth, although the number can vary. Given their size and position in the mouth, they are often incapable of growing into position properly. It is often recommended that wisdom teeth be removed before the root structure develops, which is easier on the patient and prevents oral health problems from occurring, such as the following:

  • Impaction, which often causes infection due to germs and bacteria getting trapped in the space created by the impacted wisdom tooth.
  • Infections, which cause problems by spreading to healthy teeth and bone tissue.
  • Cysts and tumors, which can develop from an untreated infection, which can be painful and lead to permanent bone damage.
  • Damage to the adjacent teeth, which can occur when improperly positioned wisdom teeth grow sideways.
  • Dental crowding, which becomes an issue when improperly positioned wisdom teeth grow sideways and force adjacent teeth inward.

Having your wisdom teeth evaluated well in advance of them coming in allows you and your dental team adequate time to treat your specific dental issues and prevent major complications before they ever occur.

When is the Right Time for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

It is more important to consider the development of the teeth than the age of the patient when determining the best time for wisdom teeth removal. However, most wisdom teeth are removed between the ages of 13 and 20. During this time the teeth are smaller and easier to extract, making adolescence an ideal time for the procedure.

We recommend scheduling your wisdom teeth removal procedure around a break from work or school, so you have adequate time to rest and recover with minimal disruption to your schedule.

About the Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

Wisdom teeth removal is a common oral surgery procedure. Your treatment will begin with a consultation with your oral surgeon, who will complete an exam, take 3D scans, and discuss your anesthesia options with you. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are highly trained in anesthesia administration for patients of all ages. At Fresno Oral Maxillofacial Surgery & Dental Implant Center, our oral surgeons want to make you feel comfortable, informed, and safe. The consultation appointment is the ideal time to discuss any questions you may have about your upcoming procedure.

Many patients choose IV anesthesia for their procedure, which puts them in a sleep-like state until the surgery is over. If you have chosen IV anesthesia you will not remember the procedure, and you will not feel any pain during the surgery. You will need a designated driver to accompany you to this appointment.

Once the anesthesia has been administered, the wisdom teeth will be removed. Wisdom teeth that are partially or completely beneath the gums will be extracted by the surgeon lifting the gum tissue. On occasion, wisdom teeth need to be sectioned into smaller pieces to completely remove the tooth and its root. After your wisdom teeth have been removed and your surgical sites are sutured, you will rest until your anesthesia wears off and your designated driver will take you home.

It is important to keep the extraction site clean during the healing process. Starting 24 hours after surgery, you should rinse your mouth with warm salt water. A soft food diet is often recommended for the first few days after the surgery, and you should avoid straws which can dislodge blood clots from the tooth socket and cause a dry socket. After just a few days of rest, most patients can return to their normal schedules and activities.

Procedure stem cells thumb

We want to protect our patients' health even after leaving our office. To that end, we proudly offer stem cell banking services to use in future regenerative medicines and therapies. Watch the video to learn more!

Bank Stem Cells From Your Wisdom Teeth

Stem cells hold the future for regenerative medicine. Our practice is partnered with Stemodontics® to provide our patients with a secure way to store their stem cells for future use. Your oral surgeon can send your stem cells to a laboratory after your wisdom teeth are extracted, leaving them readily available anytime you need them in the future. Protect your health today and ask your surgeon about your stem cell banking options.

Types of Anesthesia

Our surgeons offer many options for anesthesia and sedation to ensure your comfort during treatment.

Hear From Wisdom Tooth Removal Patients

These patients can tell you about the firsthand experience undergoing wisdom tooth removal at our office.

Reviews From Our Wisdom Tooth Removal Patients

Tony WT facewall
Tony Reviews His Procedure

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"Hi, I'm Tony from Sanger. I came to Fresno Oral Surgery to get my wisdom teeth removed. When I first walked into this practice, everyone was really nice. My doctor was very great. They were very nice, asked me about my day, really cared. And I really appreciate that. My procedure went amazing. My recovery was less than two weeks, everything went very well. The WUWTA videos did educate me quite a bit. Very, very helpful. My overall experience with this practice was simply amazing. I highly recommend Fresno Oral Surgery."

Katelyn got her wisdom teeth removed in Fresno, CA.
Katelyn Reviews Her Procedure

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"I was having some issues with my wisdom teeth for a while, so I had to have them removed. I was pretty nervous coming in, but everybody was very calm and welcoming and answered any and all questions that I had about the procedure. The staff was amazing. Dr. K was very warm and kind — very personable and answered any questions that I had about the procedure. I had an extremely good experience here, and if I ever had to have anything done again, I would definitely come here. I would give Fresno Oral Surgery five out of five stars, for sure. For my friends and family in Fresno and Dinuba, I would highly recommend Fresno Oral Surgery."

Tokunbo had her wisdom teeth removed in Madera, CA
Tokunbo Reviews Her Procedure

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"I came to Fresno Oral Surgery because I was in need of having my wisdom teeth pulled out. To be honest, I wasn't having any pain or issues; my dentist felt that it would be a good idea to go ahead and get it taken care of now before it became a problem. Dr. Barnhart's office was very welcoming, so coming in for the procedure, I felt very comfortable. Dr. Barnhart was very personable. She sat down, eye level, next to me, answered all my questions. She said that since I was a nurse, she figured I'd have more questions than the usual person, so she took her time and was very kind and considerate as well. The recovery was very easy, and I was actually good to go the next day. I didn't have much pain at all. If I knew anyone around Fresno or Tulare, CA, that needed to have a similar procedure that I had done, I would definitely recommend Dr. Barnhart. I've actually recommended her already."

Beth needed her wisdom teeth removed in Fresno, CA.
Beth Reviews Her Procedure

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"When I walked into the office it was very modern, very clean. The staff here is very professional, they’re very courteous. When the doctor came in, he was very friendly. He explained things very clearly, very concisely, in a way that I could understand it. The procedure went very well. It felt like I was out of there in no time. It was a very quick procedure. I had a really positive experience here, and I would highly recommend Fresno Oral Surgery to anybody needing their services. "

Myrlande had her wisdom teeth removed in Fresno, CA
Myrlande Reviews Her Procedure

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"The office is so welcoming, especially the front desk. The staff here is jovial. You feel so comfortable with them once you walk out the door. Dr. Chien is a nice person. He makes you feel, like, so comfortable, you feel like you’re in good hands, and he’s smiling at you, take his time to talking to you, and the procedure was good and easy. Overall, I have a great experience. I highly recommend Fresno Oral Surgery. "

Frequently Asked Questions

How painful is wisdom teeth removal?

You should not feel anything during your procedure. The surgical site will be injected with local anesthetic, which will prevent you from feeling any pain or discomfort because the area will be numb. Pain and swelling is common after the procedure but is easily managed with ice packs and over the counter pain medication.

What happens if you wait too long to get wisdom teeth out?

Waiting to have wisdom teeth removed increases your risk of gum disease. Partially erupted or impacted wisdom teeth are hard to clean and can cause tooth decay.

Can I go to work the next day after wisdom tooth extraction?

It's usually recommended that you take a couple of days off after having a wisdom tooth removed, especially if you choose to undergo general anesthesia or IV sedation. It's important to give your body time to rest and recover.

Is it better to get wisdom teeth out early?

Many dentists and oral surgeons believe it's better to remove wisdom teeth at a younger age, before the roots and bone are fully formed. Generally, this makes the recovery faster after surgery. Early detection and removal is the best way to prevent complications.

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